Article archive


21/02/2016 10:11
The latest prompt at Blackship Books/ F3 is to write a story based on the opening sentence of the 5th paragraph of page 40 of the book you're currently reading. I'm reading 'A Wizard of Earthsea' by Ursula K Le Guin, which I heartily recommend! I've cheated a little by choosing the 3rd paragraph...

The Courtroom

07/02/2016 08:19
A new story in response to the latest prompt at Blackshop Books/ F3. Hope you enjoy. ----------------------------------------------------- The Judge banged her gavel. “Counsel for the Prosecution – please give us your summing up.” Toby stood slowly, enjoying the feeling of being centre of...

Big Bad

23/01/2016 13:25
New flash fiction from Blackship Books/F3. This one is about the life of a fairy tale character before they made it into the more familiar story. Hope you enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------- There was a time when I ran with the pack. Second in command, no less. My brother,...

Elfrida's Diary

22/12/2015 09:56
Another prompt, another story! We're getting all Christmassy over at Blackship Books and F3, this week. Here's my effort - hope you enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 18 December Today, being Friday, we got our rota for the week ahead. Here's what...

Is there anybody there?

15/12/2015 22:24
This was written in response to the latest prompt at Blackship Books/F3. Hope you enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------   “Hello? Is there anybody there?” ... “This is Josh. Josh Taylor. I'm conducting an experiment using my new radio. The one I got for my...


06/12/2015 22:55
This story was written in response to the latest prompt at Blackship Books & 3F. Feels good to be writing, again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ben and I stared out of the cabin window – or at least as much of it as was still free of snow. The drifts...

Electrical fault

01/11/2015 08:43
My response to the latest prompt at Blackship Books/F3. This might be my last flash fiction before December - or I might need these prompts as a way of getting my head above water when editing Mannerley. We shall...

The job interview

03/10/2015 19:35
This story was written in response to the latest prompt at Blackship Books/ 3F. Please let me know what you think of it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I pulled up outside the house and...

I am a woman now

22/09/2015 07:43
The latest prompt from Black Ship Books concerns taboos. The menarche (pronounced men-ar-KEE), or onset of periods, has been near to my heart since the day I became a woman and my mother failed to share my excitement. I've been reading 'I'm on my way running', which reflects on how different...

This night of all nights

12/09/2015 14:41
New prompt at Black Ship Books/ 3F. Here's my offering. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Why, on this night of all nights, must it begin again? The whispering ran along the walls, just under Mitchell's level of hearing but not beyond his awareness. The hairs on...
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